A taste of True Magic on the Rebel Podcast with Nate Wright
Something to whet your appetite for our first season, starting soon.
This just “dropped,” as they say—an expression to ponder another time.
I talked with Nate Wright recently on the Rebel Podcast. We discussed biblical symbolism, liturgy, participating in heavenly patterns, and all that good stuff. Here are the show notes:
When God put Adam in the Garden he gave him a pattern to follow in order to shape the world as he and his bride took dominion.
In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus taught us to pray that God’s Kingdom would come on earth as it is in heaven.
Heavenly, spiritual realities give meaning and purpose to this symbolic world.
Smokey and I are recording our first episode tonight. God willing, we’ll release it this week. In the meantime, my discussion with Nate is a foretaste of things to come…